A Tech Company SummeršŸ˜Ž Party: Hereā€™s What I Learnt

Photo by Sam Mar on Unsplash

I donā€™t know about your place, but our company has enforced fun during the summer. For 3 days we need to all meet together, get very little work done and


A few of our number had great excuses:

  • Pregnancy

  • Dog died

  • Live too far away

But most of us needed to go and enjoy it.

It was horrible

The Party

Covid took out last yearā€™s party, so a real determination took hold this year to make the party the biggest and the best ever.

This meant Karaoke, awards, and drink (pretty much all at the same time).

Got to be fine, right?

Enforced fun

You need to enjoy yourself, right? There are free drinks

If you donā€™t drink, sit quietly or something

Thatā€™s right. If you donā€™t drink of course non-alcoholic alternatives are provided. What isnā€™t provided is a non-alcoholic culture. 

Those who felt pushed out needed to hide what was happening


Everyone is invited.

Happen to be Muslim and not into overtly white music?

The party is open to all, as long as you like exactly what the white male leadership like

Over 30 and less entertained by the bro-drinking culture

Cheer up, grandad

Itā€™s no surprise that promotions only seem to go to the heavy-drinking male type.

Thatā€™s not a type?

Canā€™t believe the Secret Developer doesnā€™t have an editor

Clique central

We had some light-hearted rewards for the best staff

Most of them had already had promotions

Thatā€™s right. Things like:

  • The mom of the company

  • The real CEO

  • The person who is always early to meetings

They were all either demeaning or low-level offensive.

Everyone really enjoyed them

Which was not a surprise to anyone who has been in this type of company.

The cost

If you are not ā€œintoā€ the fun we have, youā€™re not a team player.

Whatā€™s worse is, if the interview process hadnā€™t prevented any sort of diverse workforce from being in place.

This means that lots of decisions are, shall we say, not considered.

You should see the feedback we get from our customers about the changes in our pricing plan.


That isnā€™t to say a more diverse workforce would prevent us from doing a stupid thing. It might make it less likely.

Shouldnā€™t we all do the best we can to make a better product?

I know, we developers shouldnā€™t care


The Secret Developerā€™s Productivity Hack: The Infinite Power of ā€˜Tomorrowā€™


Software Development Needs Women Urgently.