Are Software Developers Happy😀?

Photo by Count Chris on Unsplash

Are software developers content in their jobs? Are they doing what they enjoy?

Are software developers happy.

Well, I’m here to share the results of a paper that has delved into this topic.

The results may just surprise you.

Developers…Are Happy

At work most developers are happy according to Stack Overflow

This is more than most jobs, with a reported 62.3% of the wider workforce satisfied with their jobs.

It’s no wonder developers feel this way. Squashing bugs and pushing features is a fun activity that everybody should want to do in their spare time. Of course, only if you are of a certain disposition.

So Where Are Developers Happiest

It might not surprise you that the happiest software developer country is one that is blessed with good weather. It might also comfort you that it isn’t the country that pays its software developers the most.

It’s Spain, which is far ahead of the pack.

For clarity here are the top ten countries’ salaries for working as a software engineer.


It seems clear to me. If you want to keep happy chasing the $$$ isn’t the right approach.

In the United States we may pay software developers a very decent salary, but people are also treated as disposable objects.

It’s time employers took these findings seriously and started to think about how to make their employees happy and fulfilled at work. They’d get more productive staff and more features pushed and bugs squashed.

Doesn’t that make sense to everyone?


It’s clear. The coupling of money and happiness is weak. Once you have enough money to be secure getting more and more doesn’t automatically bring happiness.

So, we should all move to Spain. That’s the answer.


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