Fantasy Quitting a Tech Job

I’ve been having vivid fantasies recently. I’ve been dreaming of really fancy ramen and coffee, but my fantasies are not limited to that.

In truth, I’ve been fantasizing about leaving my current role and getting revenge in the way I quit.

Don’t worry, I won’t be doing any of this — I’m just fantasizing about what I’d like to do when I finally find a new job and start over again.

Lack of One Direction

I’m told that my current chapter work isn’t good enough. I mention there is one line in a ticket and I’ve got a demo working as discussed with a senior developer. The boss tells me it’s my responsibility to ask more questions.

I ask for a minute alone, just us. I send my resignation letter.

Speak Now

I’m in a meeting. People speak over me.

I tell them that I’ve had enough and quit on the spot.

Cry Me A River

I ask for a quick five minutes with my manager. I cry uncontrollably before firing off my resignation letter. I never call them again.

Repeat Me Baby One More Time

I want to go into a meeting and give the group the solution to the trivial problem that they are currently having.

When my colleagues repeat me, I’ll repeat them. Then I’ll start to repeat whatever they say to me.

I guess I won’t need to formally quit if I repeat this through a few meetings.

The Reality

In truth, there is only one true way that I’m going to quit. Professionally. 

Obviously, I’ve come to this conclusion by asking ChatGPT if it’s a good idea to revenge quit, and it keeps telling me that the world of IT can be a small place and not to burn any bridges.

So that is how it is going to be. Asking my manager for 5 minutes, say I’m leaving, and then send a resignation letter over email.

The only hint of my bitterness will be that I’m not going to say where I’m going to. I guess that’s even MORE professional than saying I’m going elsewhere though?

The Secret Developer is finally learning to play the game as it is intended to be played.


Yes, I’ve been applying for jobs. You got me. Time to move on and not cause unnecessary issues when I do so, because you never know when you meet people again in this game.


Survive the Stakeholder Shenanigans


Competition is Good, Uber Should Fear DiDi