How Software Developers Celebrate Independence Day

Independence Day is one of the major holidays that software developers look forward to.

It’s a good opportunity to catch up with some modern APIs, and a day where you don’t need to report progress or blockers.

Use the day wisely! Here is a list of things that the pro developers are engaging their time with on this day of celebration.

A VR Get-Together

Rather than taking time to meet the family (please no) friends (what are they?) or that roommate barely remembered from college (now we get to it) use a VR solution.

Remember to first engage in an unhelpful conversation about the disadvantages of having a Facebook login (Meta owns Oculus, remember) and insist that an HTC Vive XR Elite is the only option.

Perhaps attend a rerun of that Coldplay VR Independence Day “experience”, or perhaps skip that and listen to white noise in a cardboard box alone instead.

With ramen

Watch AR Fireworks

Imagine needing to go outside in the (gasp) wind, possibly a light breeze, and around other humans. Skip the effort stress and enjoyment by using an AR solution in your studio apartment.

This avoids the travel time too, meaning you’re never further than 5m from your Dvorak keyboard.

This isn’t fair. Carpalx keyboards are better 

Order DoorDash Ramen

Imagine. Right to your door. Coding in bed, with your machine beside you.

This makes perfect sense


I don’t like this characterization of programmers. Although it represents exactly what I feel and do, this doesn’t represent everyone.


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