How to Escape the Software Development Code Train
Photo by MARIOLA GROBELSKA on Unsplash
We all love software development, or at least I wish we all did.
Even I, The Secret Developer understands that there are times when software developers wish to find pastures new.
So, for those contemplating a code breakup, or oblivious to its inevitable arrival, buckle up and come along for the ride.
Here’s the lowdown on why software savants might hang up their hats and where they can redirect their debugged lives.
Why Code Whisperers Walk Away
Burnout Boulevard
Those marathon coding sessions do catch up with you, no kidding. As you age you might find that the repercussions of those late nights catch up with you.
It might simply stop appealing to you to be a cliché software developer with no life. Alternatively, the burnout race might be growing wearisome, and you might like to reflect on a better career outside software development.
Domestic Bliss
When developers get a partner their attention might well wane. Some might even argue that developers should not have partners. When children come the love for coding burning the midnight oil might desert you entirely.
You Stop Being Fresh
Coding passion doesn’t have an expiration date. But not everyone gets the memo. Some find that past a certain age, they lose the enthusiasm for learning new techniques and keeping their code fresh.
It’s not just about feeling sidelined; you might encounter age discrimination. If you’re finding it hard to get a gig post 40 it might be because you’re assumed to be in technical old age. What’s the law in your jurisdiction again?
The Cash-Out Conundrum
Let’s face it, coding can be a gold mine. But once you’ve filled the coffers, what’s left? For the coin-chasing coders, once the financial goal is ticked, the binary sunset awaits as they lose motivation for improving the codebase.
Remember though, not all heroes code for cash. Some seek the applause, and the geeky glory!
The Destination on the Map
The Big R — Retirement
The dream! Swap the keyboard for whatever your heart desires. But beware, time waits for no man or even programmer.
Cruises, anyone? Or is that just the retirement brochure talking?
You’ll soon be bored and be one of those developers who starts writing tutorials in their spare time and “consults” on the side. You’ll see.
The Great Pivot
Career change, anyone? This path is littered with former programmers turned educators who suddenly realize they know nothing about education. People are quite different from how you might approach a syntax error.
You might go into the weird worlds of yoga, diving, or Agile coaching. Beware that your problems are no longer likely fixed on the command line.
Consulting Conundrums
Ah, the old ‘still coding but not really’ gig. If you think consulting is the soft life, you’ve not seen the consultants in action at my old haunt. One time I replaced one and at an all-hands session need to keep it quiet that I was replacing this long-term consultant.
What I’m trying to say they can be treated like trash, and who wants that?
The best plan? Immortality.
If that’s off the table due to your religious “choices” you need to plan your ride off into the sunset.
Just remember to pack your Dvorak keyboard, ready for whatever’s next.