Is Your Scrum Team Making the #1 Mistake?
Photo by Olga Guryanova on Unsplash
The Secret Developer seems to have something against both Agile and Scrum.
“Any sports analogies should be left on the sports field. If it’s rugby your teeth will probably be on the field too”
So, it might come as a surprise that The Secret Developer was able to pin down their number one hate with Scrum and Agile. Even more of a surprise is that it isn’t what the methodologies are designed to be that they dislike, but what they became.
“It’s the classic complaint from someone who actually does the work.”
The Issue
We should all be holding the Agile Manifesto close to our hearts. Reading it before bed each night and learning how we might make better software.
If you read through it you might realize that small thing. Lots of the paraphernalia around Agile has nothing to do with making software or Agile itself but is really micromanagement.
“For me, Agile has become nothing but micromanagement. Agree?”
The Solution
If you’re gonna do it, do it right
“(right, do it with me)”
That’s a big Wham indeed.