Lessons I Learned From My Code in 2023

It’s the end of 2023. This means that AI machines have not yet fully taken over software development jobs (despite layoffs) and at least some of us are still in paid work delivering great software to our customers. As I progress in my career I am looking for ways to improve and get better as we move into 2024. As a result, here are my 10 key learnings from the past 12 months in software development. 

Agile Challenges Continue

Agile methodologies offer many benefits but can lead to repetitive cycles if not implemented thoughtfully. I’ve noticed that companies implement Agile in ways that do not benefit software developers or companies they work for.

“When are we going to get Agile right?”

Read more in “The Cycle of Repetition. The Secret Developer’s Take on Agile Challenges”​​

FAANG isn’t what it used to be

A FAANG job used to be The Secret Developer’s dream. Things have moved on.

“I think we all used to dream of working in one of the FAANG companies and being treated like royalty.

That dream came crashing down this year.”

Read more in “Working for a FAANG Is Selling Out”

AI isn’t what it’s going to be

AI hasn’t (yet) changed the software development world, a fact that hasn’t been passed by The Secret Developer.

“I went for an interview in December 2023. They said they don’t use any AI at work and don’t think they ever will.

I’m going to place a bet. They’re either going to use AI or they’ll be fired and replaced by AI in the next year. You can take me up on that bet.”

Read more in “The Coder’s Reluctance To Embrace AI”

Stand-up Meetings are Distractive and destructive

Stand-up meetings need to be refactored in such a way that they benefit software developers. How can we make these time sinks effective and beneficial to all concerned?

“We have two stand-up meetings a day. They’re both ineffective.”

Read more in “Stand-Up Meetings Are Status Meetings. This Needs to Change”​​

Agile’s Counter-Productive Practices

Some Agile practices might be counterproductive or misunderstood, leading to mistakes that can hinder software development. We can argue that it isn’t just the application of Agile, but the misapplication of Agile within software development shops.

“It’s easy to do things badly. As is easily shown by the implementation in software development houses.”

Read more in “The Worst Agile Mistake I Ever Saw”​​

Scrum should be more than a sports analogy

 SCRUM is a popular Agile framework but it doesn’t work for everyone. As might have been predicted, The Secret Developer isn’t a great fan.

“Any methodology named after something in sports is going to be bad. You knew that already though, right?”

Read more in “Why SCRUM Doesn’t Work for Me”​​

Testing is underappreciated

 Testing is crucial in software development, but it’s often overlooked or not done effectively. Not for The Secret Developer.

“If you’re not testing something how do you know that it works? 

My colleagues claim that lines of code are tested when they simply aren’t. But there you go.”

Read more in “Why Nobody Tests Code in My Tech Job”​​

Code Reviews are Crucial

Participating in code reviews improves code and teaches new techniques and approaches.

“It gives everybody the opportunity to learn from me. Which everyone should be doing.”

Read more in “Code Review Chronicles: A Year of Learning”


It’s been a difficult year for many software developers. Layoffs and changes in working practices have made it a difficult ride for us all.

“Don’t worry. The Secret Developer will still be here in 2024. Stay tuned!”


Microsoft’s Wisconsin Pumpkin🎃 Farm is a Tech Warning


The Software Engineer’s Christmas🎄Party