main(). Why Java’s Simplest Method is a Rite of Passage

If you want to get a job as a standard common or garden Java developer, you’ll have heard this pop trivia question.

The simplest snippet of code used to launch Java programs is actually a gatekeeper and a rite of passage that makes or breaks fledgling careers. 

The Question: What is the signature of the main() method?

This can happen even if you’re an experienced developer. You’ll be asked a pop question about the signature of main().

Your heart races, palms sweat and you’re probably unable to remember your own name. 

One of two things happens. Either you remember your memorized definition, or you choke.

The main() method's signature is: public static void main(String[] args)
This signature indicates that the method is public (accessible from anywhere), static (belongs to the class rather than an instance), returns void (no return value), and accepts a single argument of type String array.

It’s a Big Deal

The sheer pressure and stress around something so basic are real. To get over even the initial hurdle in software development you need to deal with stress and pressure. It’s amazing in 2024 we are testing candidate’s reaction to pressure rather than their true knowledge, but here we are.

Why main()?

Syntax Overload: For beginners, the main() method is their first encounter with Java’s verbose syntax. Public? Static? Void? String[] args? It’s a lot to take in at once.

The Gateway: You can’t run a Java program without it. This little method is the starting point of every application, making it critical to understand.

Ritual of Passage: Successfully defining main() gives a sense of accomplishment, a small victory that every Java developer remembers. It’s a badge of honor.

My Experience

I just had to complete a 45-minute multiple-choice test where some of the questions had no right answer.

I’ve had the same verbally, it’s easy to ask a question when you’ve got Google to help formulate it but how easy is it to make sure a candidate’s answer is correct?

One of my worst experiences was when I asked an interviewer to repeat a question as I didn’t quite hear them, and they decided I didn’t know the answer so interrupted me to give me the answer. 

I didn’t like any of these experiences, TBH.

The Lesson

This isn’t just about getting something trivial “right” under pressure. In the real world we have days full of trivialities we might get right (or wrong), fixing a bug, successfully compiling code or passing unit tests are all small but monumental wins.

It’s one thing managing to do these small (but important things), but another thing to do them under the pressure of watching eyes.

If you can do that, and avoid rolling your eyes about the banality of the question you’re doing better than I am.


Next time you’re asked a trivial question in an interview remember to laugh, but internally. It’s a shared experience and who knows? It might be your turn to ask a stupid question “because we want to know the candidate can answer it” and you’ll need to deal from that side of the fence.

Let me know how it goes.


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