No Java Required: 10 Energizing Alternatives to Your Daily Coffee Grind

I’ve got some bad news for you. Caffeine is bad for you. So I think the click-clack of your keyboard should be accompanied by a caffine-free vibe. 

So whether you are looking to cut back on caffeine I’ve created a menu of alternatives to keep your energy up and keep your coding sharp.

Hydration Station

It sounds too simple to be effective, but staying hydrated with good old H2O boosts your focus and energy. Avoid dehydration and foggy thinking by sipping on a simple glass of water. Ice is optional.

Tea Time

If you need to cut down, get a milder shot of caffeine with tea. Many teas promote calm alertness, and the tasty teas of peppermint or ginger can invigorate your senses.

Smooth Operators

Blend up a mix of fruits, vegetables, and proteins like Greek yogurt or almond butter. The natural sugars and nutrients provide a steady source of energy. Just make sure you don’t take on too much sugar at the same time.

Chew on This

Healthy snacks can keep you going through the day. Nuts, dried fruits, or whole-grain crackers can give you a steady supply of energy to keep up your coding game. Good snacking habits can help prevent the blood sugar dips that make you feel tired and previously had you running for a caffeine boost.

Breathe Easy

Never underestimate the power of a few deep breaths of fresh air, available during a simple walk or even just opening your window. Refresh your mind oxygenate your brain and improve your energy levels.

Break it Down

A quick walk, some stretching, or a few yoga poses can invigorate your body and mind. Physical activity increases blood flow, which helps wake up your brain and improve your coding talents!

Power Nap

A short 20-minute nap can work wonders for your mental clarity and energy levels. Just make sure it’s a power nap and not a lengthy slumber as you should be spending your time coding and shipping features!

Tune In

Listening to your favorite upbeat tunes can boost your productivity and even memory. Music can be a great motivator and focus enhancer. Just don’t use rock music with lyrics like my former colleague who sang in the office (right up to the point I tried to kill them).

Cool it Down

A splash of cold water on your face can wake up your senses and refresh your eyes, especially useful after hours of staring at a screen. Tired eyes are not good for coding and remember: you see other things with them too.


A few minutes of meditation or focused breathing can help center your thoughts and clear your mind, leading to better concentration and productivity. Although I’m not convinced of the benefits maybe it works for you.


Instead of using caffeine think about the alternatives. Improve your code, but don’t damage your body at the same time. Now that’s a good idea!


While Programming Focus on Productivity Not Hours


The Force is Strong💪 in Software Development