Ramen Makes You a Better Developer

If I could be anywhere, it would be in from of my computer screen coding. I want to solve bugs, deliver features, and put the hard yards into being a great developer.

Coding is the best possible thing you can do with your time!

Unfortunately, I’ve noticed I get hungry a few times a day. Although I keep a large pot of coffee beside my Dvorak keyboard it’s just not enough to get me through the day. 

So, here are my favorite developer foodstuffs, and the truth as to whether they make my development better.

Meal 1: Doordash Ramen

If it is my birthday or a special occasion, I’ll go all out. I get a LARGE ramen delivered to my door (I don’t answer in case the delivery person wants to talk).

I can then continue refactoring with the delicious food right there beside my kbd.

Health discussion: Ramen noodles are not inherently healthy or unhealthy since they provide limited nutritional value on their own. However, they contain MSG and other less-than-great ingredients that can be harmful to health.

Will they help you as a software developer?
They’re fast and fun. I’m going to keep eating this food on my journey to be the best software developer ever seen. They make me better because I’m signaling to everyone around me that I’m a developer and a great one at that.

Health Rating


Developer Rating


Fruit and Veggie Smoothies

They’re great if you forget to eat a proper meal when you’re deep into coding. I love that the colors don’t match any of my clothes and the drink has that sweet taste of summer.

Will they help you as a software developer?
Quick to make and packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. What isn’t to like (apart from the sugar)? Everyone around me knows that I mean business when I sup from my smoothie mug.

Health Rating


Developer Rating


Whole Grain Snacks

It’s nice to have some snacks but honestly, it’s chocolate all the way. Chocolate is nice and I think I’m going to have some right now. A little bar won’t hurt and then I might have some coffee.

Will they help you as a software developer?

Options like whole grain crackers, bread, or even popcorn provide a good source of complex carbohydrates, keeping your energy levels stable throughout the day and helping you focus and produce your best code.

Health Rating


Developer Rating



This whole article is irresponsible and makes people outside the industry feel that we all eat ramen all the time. It’s simply not true and a damaging stereotype.

Anyway, I’m off to eat ramen. See you later.


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