Skill Issues in the Tech Workplace

I keep seeing skill issues in my workplace, and this isn’t a game as far as I am concerned. It’s a critical problem that needs to be addressed to ensure productivity, employee satisfaction and growth.

Here’s what you need to know about skill issues and software engineers, software developers and programmers.

Wait. What is a Skill Issue?

A skill issue is an API call made by a mobile device that returns a date without timezone information.

A skill issue is needing to merge because you simply don’t know how to rebase.

A skill issue is pushing your code directly to develop.

A skill issue is DevOps enforcing code standards on the CI without telling anyone.

Is any of this familiar?

Types of Skill Issues

We’re all professionals here. However, I’ve seen developers with a combination of skill issues which is quite an achievement.

Technical Skills

These are the skills that we treasure. Surely people who cannot code are either prevented from entering the workplace (through the interview process) or are swiftly dealt with by the performance process?

You tell that to my colleague who doesn’t know how query parameters work in REST API calls.

Soft Skills

Those interpersonal skills that facilitate communication and teamwork. Emotional intelligence, communication skills and the willingness to actually speak to colleagues.

Since working from home, I can go a week without speaking to another human being, aside from saying the progress on a ticket in standup. I’d say I have these skills but they’ve started to atrophy, and some of my colleagues don’t have them. We sat in a retro for an hour without saying anything, nothing, with the scrum master begging for someone to speak — that bad.

Work-life Skills

Showing up on time. Not being sick. Getting stuff done.

I think I’ve only put this here because I desire all meetings to start on time and not sit waiting for 5 minutes for everyone to turn up.

Causes of Skill Issues

Technological Advancements

As software developers there is so much to keep up with. If you’re left behind as new technology is introduced you’re likely to decrease in employability.

Even if it means you cannot get a job in future you’re likely to build skills gaps, and it is those skill gaps that provide a training need. Either that or the skill gap becomes so wide you cannot perform in your job.

Poor Hiring Practices

Are you in the right job? Does your company have an over-reliance on formal credentials, narrow job descriptions and take on unsuitable candidates for the role or organization.

To put it another way, you might be in the wrong job.

Lack of Feedback and Mentorship

It is very hard for developers to know what they need to improve. How can you know where you are weak without sufficient feedback and help in your job?

I’ve found it common for developers to be given no feedback on their job at all. That’s certainly me, one time I was told “You have strong opinions’ and that’s it — from years of work.

Lack of Training and Development

Skills gaps can emerge through a lack of training.

It’s unusual for developers to get formal training that is matched to their strengths and weaknesses. 

I‘d like some training, anything would be good. Thank you.

Identifying Skill Issues

Performance Processes

Measuring where someone is against where they want to go is essential.

Which is why I’m surprised that it’s Q2 and I haven’t had my Q1 review yet. I’m not the only one. In software development, it is very common to have avoidant bosses or people managers who want to be managers (but don’t want to deal with people).


A structured feedback program and gap analysis can identify a gap between the developer’s perception and their current level.

This oftentimes degenerates into weird 360-degree review processes, and the less said about that the better.

Addressing Skill Issues

Targeted Performance Intervention

I honestly wish this would happen, and I don’t mean a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) that comes about just before being fired. I mean a process that actually puts the software developer at the forefront of the performance process and treasures the person.

I fantasy, I know.


Imagine being given time to study something at work. The time to improve.

That would be nice.

Mentoring and Coaching

I’m pretty sure nobody in software development knows the difference between mentoring, coaching and teaching. So, I’ll leave this one here.

Why Aren’t We Developing Developers Skills?

Lack of HR

Assessment of candidates at interview time and during a career is better when supported by a well-functioning HR department. That is someone with some training in the matter of assessing.

Software developers doing this work often make poor assumptions and decisions, or at worst simply don’t bother to do it.

In effect, companies are communicating that they don’t really care about technical staff — which leads to a high turnover rate.

Hard-Core Programming

If companies don’t care about staff the introduction of “hardcore” programming cements this. When Elon Musk goes around demanding publically that he wants hardcore developers he’s effectively saying he wants developers who wish to work for free.

Well, wouldn’t we all.


Who cares about what we know, the machines are going to do it for themselves in no time. 


Skillz payz billz. AMIRITE?


Developer Archetypes - Which One Are You?


How to Reject Tech Companies Like They Reject Us