The 5 Best Out-of-Office Messages for Your Tech Summer

If you hadn’t noticed it’s summer, and that surely means replacing your work coffee with an ice latte.

You might even have booked a week’s vacation and are planning to spend some quality time “Away from Keyboard” (AFK to the pros).

If you’ve booked that vacation, it might be time to set an out of office (OOO) message that’s not only practical but will make your colleagues think you’re cool and exude ris.

I’m in a Commit-Free Zone

A perfect message for the developer who hasn’t packed their work laptop in their luggage. You need to disconnect and will communicate that to colleagues in a humorous way.

It reminds everyone that your mind is off the code, but you’re a software engineer and that is the basis of your work at the company.

if (urgent) { panic(); } else { chill(); }

You’re an engineer who speaks in code, even when you’re AFK.

If it’s truly a crisis (which, to be frank, it never is) you’re the only one who can fix it. Everything else can wait.

Whoever writes this as their OOO message deserves to be the hero of the company.

In the Middle of a Sprint (Away from Work)

Living the Agile life? Remind your team that even sprinters need a cool-down period. The release will go on even without the strongest programmer, won’t it (it probably will).

Retreating from the Cloud

If you want to low-key point out that you’re sick of buzzwords what better way than using your OOO message? Even the best coders need to come down to earth at some point, and this vacation is your opportunity.

Gone to Fix My Own Tech Debt

If you’re constantly called upon to solve everyone else’s problems here is the OOO message for you.

It also shows you care about your mental health. Go you!


I hope these OOO messages give you a little bit of a chuckle. Because if you’re like me you’re spending your vacation coding, so spending a little of your off time actually off might have some health benefit or something. Who knows?


Standup Nearly Made Me Cry🥹 Today


Elon, We’ve All Made Shoddy Software. Own It.