The 5 Types of Software Developer Jerks

I wish code was just about algorithms. It’s more complex than that (and I don’t mean it’s about design patterns) because there are people involved.

I’m sure your workplace is something like mine. You have a range of personalities you meet every day, and some are not quite so pleasant. We might even call some of these developers Jerks.

Let me give you a rundown of the five common types of software developer jerks you might encounter during your professional programming journey, and why they might just make you feel homicidal.

The Ego-Inflated Proclaimer

This developer believes they’re the best — and they won’t let you forget it. Every conversation turns into a monologue about their achievements. They live in a feedback loop of self-praise, often fueled by management’s recognition, leaving little room for team collaboration or diversity of thought.

The Anarchic Coder

Standards? What standards? This developer sees team-agreed coding guidelines as mere suggestions rather than rules. Their code becomes a unique dialect that only they can understand, causing headaches for anyone who dares to maintain or integrate their “innovative” solutions.

The Blame Game Champion

Nothing is ever their fault. This type thrives on deflecting responsibility, often at the expense of others. They are quick to point fingers and slow to reflect on their own contributions to problems, creating a toxic environment for team accountability and growth.

The Knowledge Hoarder

Information is power, and this developer holds it all. By not sharing knowledge, they maintain a perceived edge over colleagues. This selfish approach stunts team efficiency and personal growth, making collaborative success a secondary priority to their own perceived job security.

The Harsh Critic

Constructive feedback? It’s more like destructive criticism. This person’s code reviews are dreaded, filled with harsh comments and unrealistic expectations. Their approach often discourages learning and innovation, creating an atmosphere of fear rather than fostering a nurturing environment for improvement.


While the tech world can be a place of immense innovation and collaboration, these types of jerks can dampen team spirit and productivity. 

Recognizing and understanding how to manage interactions with such personalities can be crucial for maintaining a healthy, effective team dynamic.


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