The Programmer’s Edge

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

There is one key trait in all of the best software developers I know. It’s the key aspect of their personality and attitude that makes them coding winners.

Skip to the end. It’s a willingness to learn.

Without wanting to do more and learn more even the most talented coder will fall on stony ground.

So, here is my blog post presenting how you can develop your willingness to learn, and a couple of examples of what you shouldn’t do to progress.

Developing The Edge

When I joined this profession I thought that everyone wanted to learn. If not what are you doing training to be a software developer?

Yet you do need to develop your edge by developing your ability and willingness to learn and apply that to your working context.

Learning from Experience

The willingness to learn sounds obvious, but it’s surprisingly rare in the software development game.

Don’t worry though, it’s not too late to be a lifelong learner. If you are interested in AI you could try one of those free courses online, or if you want to develop in management Udemy has plenty for you.

Develop your edge by doing, develop new skills, and close the gap between you and the person you could be if you were your best self.

Why does this matter? 

Technology is constantly evolving, meaning that software developers who aren’t learning are falling behind. The best programmers I know are always exploring new languages, tools, and methodologies. 

You can be one of them by diverting your attention and acting to learn more!

The Lifelong Learner’s Edge

I’ve had colleagues who spent their nights glued to screens, not for the love of late-night coding, but because they were driven by the pursuit of knowledge. 

One had no formal education in computer science but taught themselves to code while balancing a day job and became supremely successful. Their GitHub repo now has hundreds of stars, and his Stack Overflow reputation is enviable and (of course) he performs well in his job.

Why does this matter?

If you aren’t suited (for whatever reason) for formal training or online courses you can still learn. Reading documentation, following coding blogs, and experimenting in new technologies can get you the skills and knowledge you need to be an effective software developer.

It is the willingness to learn that makes these software developers invaluable team members.

Using Work Time

A willingness to learn also means being open to feedback and new ideas while doing their standard 9–5. 

They are helped by teams that foster a culture of learning and opportunities. They’re given chances to grow and learn more about their discipline and become more rounded developers.

At a FinTech company I worked with, we were constantly reminded not to get too comfortable with the status quo. Regulations and technologies were always changing, and so were we. Those who thrived were the ones who kept up, who stayed curious, and who were always ready to learn something new.

Why does this matter?

Even if you do not have time outside your work schedule you can still improve your performance and your work. You can become an ever better developer no matter your starting point.

Mentoring and Being Mentored

One of the best ways to learn is by teaching others. Mentoring junior developers not only helps them grow but reinforces their knowledge and skills. It’s a two-way street: as you help others, you’ll often find yourself learning just as much in the process.

Seek out mentorship and coaching from more experienced colleagues as well. 

Why does this matter?

Feedback, when constructive, is a powerful tool for growth.

The best programmers actively seek out this feedback and use it to improve.

Embracing the Big Picture

While technical skills are critical, understanding the broader context of your work is equally important. Knowing how your code fits into the larger system, understanding the business goals, and seeing the end-user’s perspective can significantly improve the quality of your work. 

Why does this matter?

Your job is not just about writing code; it’s about writing the right code at the right time.

Avoid These Negative Edges

I’ve seen quite a few developers who want to climb the career hierarchy but who don’t want to put the work in.

The Parrot

This is a common technique where you can make good progress in your career.

Pretending to understand by repeating what other people say and taking their ideas as your own. 

Taking credit for other people’s work

This can be combined with the parrot above. 

If you get someone to implement something and then take credit for it, you are likely to win at *corporation games*.

You may even be greatly rewarded for doing so, particularly if you aren’t management grade (because you are showing management acumen).


The willingness to learn isn’t just a nice to have; it’s essential for any programmer who wants to keep coding in the long term. 

Keep relevant and keep cool. Keeping up to date drives innovation and makes you a valuable team member. If you want to be a great programmer, simply keep learning and embrace new challenges.

Your longevity as a software engineer depends on it.


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