The Secret Developer’s Performance Review
Photo by Todd Quackenbush on Unsplash
Software developers usually face a yearly performance review. This is a time to look back over the year at achievements and targets and receive a final rating which decides each individual’s bonus.
It should not be a surprise that The Secret Developer just had their session looking back over 2023. It also shouldn’t be a surprise that this didn’t go well.
“I’d like to take you through my performance review. What went on, what went right, and what went wrong.
I’m sure some people in the comments will think that I’ve made all of this up, but I promise every word is true. It only happened last week, so I really do remember all of the details.”
The targets
Before any successful performance review, a software engineer should go through their targets and make sure that they have completed them. The Secret Developer has been in their current post for more than one year so it might be expected that they will compare their progress to these targets.
“I’ve never had a target since joining this company. Last time they just gave me a ‘pass’ at performance review.
As a corporation, they aren’t playing the corporation game very well at all. Rather than helping to measure my performance against targets my company could care less about me. So ‘pass it was’.
This year my targets are the same. That is, nothing.”
The performance review
The Secret Developer has not performed by their own expectations within the last 12 months.
They didn’t expect the following to happen.
“I’m no idiot. I expected nothing great from my performance review after last year. However, this year I have a permanent manager so thought they might take some interest in me or my work.
Instead, my hour meeting lasted no longer than 15 minutes. We work remotely but we didn’t turn on cameras.
Most of the time was spent describing the performance process and ‘I want you to stay’, which I guess is nice?
In terms of developmental feedback, I now know I’ve ‘strong opinions’. I mean at least I say something so thanks, I guess?
They needed to speak to their boss so signed off the meeting early (I got the impression it was much more important than speaking to me). They said that they’d write up the review by the end of the week and we’d have an hour meeting about the next year.
You can guess what happened next.”
After performance review
“The boss didn’t document the meeting. They didn’t have the next meeting with me.
They approved my vacation. So that’s something?”
Performance reviews should be a time when an employee can review their targets and achievements for the year. If this isn’t happening it is important for both the employer and employee to react to this to create an environment where the employee can do their best work.
“I’m not sure how this is twisted into being my fault. If you want me to do something you need to tell me what that something is.
If not the issue is on you.”