How to Stop Stealing From Your Software Dev Job

I know that you’ve been stealing at your job. You’ve been taking something that isn’t yours and what is worse you’ve been getting away with it.

That one thing you’re stealing is time

I’m here to tell you that although you are a thief I don’t think you’re all bad. However, I think this time theft needs to stop, but don’t worry, I’m here to help guide you and tell you the error of your ways — and what you should do about it.

Your Time Theft is…

Minor Compared to the Pro Thiefs

If you’re reading this blog you probably are working and getting those tickets done. When you’ve finished your current work, you probably pull in another ticket and deliver, it seems that not doing so is thankfully rare.

We’re talking about my colleague (for example). One of my colleagues always seems to say “I’m sorry, what was the question”. I’m not sure what they are doing during work time, but I’m guessing (from their eye movements) that they’re probably playing games.

This is a different type of theft (it’s not directly about the time), it’s about not paying attention and not showing up intellectually.

Not showing up

There’s an oft-repeated quote from Woody Allen that I think software engineers should take on board.

“80% of success is showing up.”

So, what does showing up mean for software developers anyway?

 I ask myself this question and recommend you do too.

My best answer is that showing up should manifest as being present and proactive in our work role. When we are not engaged in our work (and meetings) we are short-changing our employer and ultimately ourselves.

The cost of distraction

Theft of time is usually simply getting distracted and not performing. You’re tired so you take a look at your phone, and then without really realizing it you’ve lost an hour. That’s bad for everyone as your concentration is vanquished and it takes time to get back into the flow.

Luckily there are ways to cancel our unwitting theft of time.

How to Turn Up

Go Home

It sounds counter-intuitive but bear with me.

There is a temptation to lie to ourselves that more coding is good. At some point more coding becomes counterproductive. If you can’t finish early when you aren’t getting anything done perhaps take a proper break (even a nap might help).

We aren’t machines and it’s time to stop treating our minds and bodies as such. I have to say after around 6 pm I’m worse than useless and I really need to simply stop coding in case I go backward in whatever task I’m completing (introducing bugs, misunderstanding tasks). I can’t be the only one who feels this way, can I?

Give 100% at work while you can, for as long as you can, and then go home. You’ll deserve it.

Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method based on 25-minute stretches of focused work broken by five-minute breaks. I’m in favor of anything that gets productive breaks into our routines by which I mean not simply scrolling through your newsfeed. 

There might be a lack of true evidence that it works, but many people swear the technique is great for them and even the NIH has promoted the technique.

Practice Mindfulness

This works for some. Personally, I doubt the efficacy of mindfulness, but I’ve heard other developers love how it makes them feel.

If it works for you, I say do it! For balance, here is some scientific evidence:


Do what you’ve got to do, get it done and then it’s done. That’s kind of my motto when it comes to productivity. Don’t leave it for later as it will haunt you until it’s done.

What is yours?


THIS is Why Devs Are Wary of AI


Trash Code. A Candid Take on Keeping the Personal Out-of-Code Reviews