This ONE Thing is Stopping My Software Development Performance

I want to share one thing that is holding me back in my software development career.

It’s slowing me down each and every day of my working life. It’s annoying.

Worse than that, it’s making me want to change my job.

It would cost 1/300th of my salary to fix.

It’s my laptop.

The problem

I’ve been working in my current role for around 12 months. My laptop is from 2019. For reference, it’s 2023.

It’s a similar age to my underwear. Both are unusable at this point.

I’m a “special” type of developer. I’m the type that never shuts off their machine so I’m ready to go first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, I need to stop this habit as the fans keep going into sleep mode. In the winter this is fine, as it’s been heating my workspace. In summer it’s a real problem.

Oh yes, and it also has the problem that I have time to make a drink every time I need to build the project.

The meta-problem

It really wouldn’t cost much to provide a machine that worked properly. In our company, we (I’m not lying) have just migrated from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 for non-developer machines. It’s simply not a technology-minded business.

Why would any developer work in a company that doesn’t respect developers.

It really does come down to this for me. It does seem, like the company does not care about my work or the speed of my progress.

I think that is the real problem.


My conclusion is really to get a job where you’re appreciated. Giving good equipment in order to help you do a great job would be a great start.

Don’t you think?


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