Top Software Developer Trends in 2024

Photo by Cesar La Rosa @obcesar on Unsplash

The software industry has just one property that is constant. That property is that it is ever-changing.

So, getting ahead of trends as a software developer is important.

I’m here to help you out in your software development career so here are some ongoing trends.

AI Adoption has not Yet Peaked

Many developers are acting like the AI wave is over.

In the public sphere it’s still the hottest game in town, people are spending time searching for information about AI and that is showing no sign of slowing.

Searches increasing:

Gartner have earmarked AI trust, risk and security management as their top strategic technology trend for 2024.

Yet the use of AI within software development companies still seems immature. I interviewed with a company earlier in the year who claimed they would “never” allow the use of AI in their firm. This is becoming less common as it is predicted most software engineers will use AI assistants by 2028.

The Emphasis on Cloud is Going Nowhere

Decoupling development from a physical device speeds onboarding and enables remote (and hybrid) working.

Yes, as remote working becomes hybrid, we are still reliant on Cloud in 2024.

Google Cloud revenue worldwide from 2020 to 2024, by quarter

I think we just all wish we could continue to work at home and not need to go into the office.

I’m not sure if this is the right approach, but there has to be a better way than IT Support keep emailing me to update my operating system TODAY. Get a grip on security yourself, don’t involve me.

What you Should Do

Get Comfortable with AI

Get those Gen AI tools installed. Companies are increasingly adopting AI and those are the jobs you will want to get in the future.

The more proficient you are with the tools the better you will perform.

Embrace Cloud Technologies

Learn how to deploy, manage, and scale applications in the cloud.

Don’t leave this stuff to DevOps, get the prerequisite knowledge yourself.

Prioritize Security

New buzz isn’t around AI. It’s around AI security. Keep systems updated and aligned with best practices. Don’t wait for your IT department to remind you, take the initiative.

Stay Updated with Industry Trends

Regularly read industry reports and updates from reliable sources.

Only when you know the direction of trends will you be able to adapt quickly to them.


AI and cloud aren’t going anywhere.

Get with the program and stay up to date.


Why OpenAI Won’t Let You Spot AI Text


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