We Had a Team Day. Here’s What Happened
Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash
We’ve all had these events; since we work.
A Split Mixer events
I’ve seen our discouraging attitudes at work practically bring down events.
This time we started early in the day. We managed to semi-ruin an icebreaker session on an event.
Let me run you through this disastrous session.
You see, we have many offshore resources (🤢) that we wanted to feel *included* in our away day, along with colleagues who could not make it to the office (the cat got sick, the tortoise moved faster than usual, or whatever reason).
The first activity was to stand in a line in height order. Two groups, one at home and one in the office. Let’s…GO!
And…everyone stood still.
“You know. I liked it. I like the tense uncomfortable atmosphere.”
Eventually, the group of (mostly) men got into some order (I could have written a number of classes in this time). The next criterion was introduced:
“Now we have a second-order criteria. Distance from here.”
It appears that the facilitator for this meeting had read an idea that having a sort with multiple criteria would be a great idea.
“It would be. If any of the people in the line understood the requirement.”
That’s right. Confusion reigned and not for the first time.
I’ve got one question here.
Why do tech events always have children’s food? Pizza and chicken wings do not make a nutritious or fun meal.
“They should have ramen delivered to the door.”
Early finish
We had the opportunity to go to the bar. I have had a previous experience walking with these colleagues to a bar and I have to say what happened.
“They walk as slow as they deliver their work”
So, this time…I didn’t go.
Remember. If you don’t start being social with your colleagues, you won’t be successful at work.
“Yet, if your code isn’t good, you shouldn’t be successful either. So…”