We Need to Stop Upgrading Our iPhones

The Secret Developer sat down to watch the presentation of the new iPhone. Simply nobody felt any surprise when they complained about the pricing staircase for the phone. They even seemed *surprised* at the fact the iPhone is getting the long-awaited USB-C connector and wrote an article about it.

What will surprise readers of this blog, is the latest issue The Secret Developer has with Tim Apple’s wonder company.

The Secret Developer has now joined the electric car-driving ‘off grid’ clan in hating on the iPhone's environmental credentials. 

I can’t believe we are letting them do this. The Secret Developer literally looked at this document for 5 minutes and wrote some comments. Here we go.

The iPhone 15's environmental credentials as rated by The Secret Developer

100% recycled gold

“Why would anyone buy a used phone? I could buy 3 Android phones for that price. Recycled isn’t as good as new.”

Transitioning from fossil fuel-based plastics to renewable alternatives

“Is this that fake leather thing that looks awful? Probably not.”

Recovery. Return your device through Apple Trade In and we’ll give it a new life for free

“I imagine Tim Apple is selling those used iPhones from his garage. Always after a little more money from ‘operational savings’ that one.”

Over 38% of manufacturing electricity is sourced from supplier clean energy projects

“Where do they get these percentages from? 38% sounds made up to me. It probably is made up.”

Longevity. iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max feature Ceramic Shield

“We all know that the back panel is going to break as soon as you might look at it. Then you’ll get laughed at in the store unless you bought AppleCare and asked to buy a new phone.

How is that an environmental credential?”

100% recycled cobalt in the battery

“I don’t know what that means, but the phone is already at 89% battery life as soon as you plug it in.”

Responsible Manufacturing

“Even I don’t want to make fun of the conditions at Foxconn. To say Apple is applying ‘responsible manufacturing’ is a joke in itself. “


“If Apple wants to come out with an iPhone that would impress me, they could actually innovate. 

In terms of the environment, if they let users actually swap out the battery and didn’t glue the rubbish together … I’d take a look. 

Until then do try harder Tim Apple”


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