Why I Avoid the Office Circus🎪

                                                                           Photo by Eric Tompkins on Unsplash

I’m beginning to believe that what separates the good from the great isn’t what happens, but the way we react to what happens.

Today’s blog post is an example of this. A regular Tuesday morning comes and goes. The hum of the office, Dvorak keyboards clack and coffee cups clink.

Then the drama happens. I’m shocked about the way people react, and it lowers my opinion of those developers around me.

The Drama

It’s like a poorly directed film. I don’t actually see a colleague collapse due to my distance from the incident and my attention was focused on code. 

What did get my attention was the rush to the scene. The crowding around the stricken coder. Their faces were painted with concern, curiosity and, honestly, a hint of thrill.

On the edge of the “circle of curiosity” I sat working. Continuing to code and avoiding the crowd. So, you don’t think I’m a terrible human, I didn’t notice what happened for a few minutes and by the time I knew what people were crowding around the person was receiving medical attention (and I only know basic CPR, since you ask). Due to the crowd I never actually saw the person either, although I did see people pushing each other to get a look.

The Office Spectacle

I’m ashamed that I worked for a company where so many (I think 20–30) people would rubberneck to see someone’s misfortune.

It’s one thing to think that colleagues appreciated the break from their work to see the “action”, it’s another thing to think about the “action” they were witnessing. 

I know my strengths (coding) and weaknesses (other things). I’m not much help standing there getting in the way of people who actually offer medical attention. The clutter of people was embarrassing, not something I’d want to join.

The Lesson

Things happen, even in the office. The best behavior for software developers when coding is to know where you are needed and focus on it.

When there is a sea of chaos it can be better to stay in your lane, get your work done and perform.

This isn’t about being heartless; it’s about a certain practicality.

In this instance, the colleague got the help they needed, but so many people wasted time, and I presume enjoyed their eyeful of someone else’s misfortune.

I learned that some people add to issues and would be better off standing down. That’s also why I leave our CI to DevOps.


Don’t rely on The Secret Developer to help you if someone else is better placed.


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