Why Your Developer Dream Job Remains a Distant Dream

I know that the job market is particularly hard for software developers at the moment. 

At the same time, recruiting managers are having nightmares because it is so difficult to fill tech positions.

You have to wonder if this is all some elaborate industry prank.

How is it possible that every tech town is screaming out for developers, yet developers are being laid off and hiring freezes have hit like it’s Siberia?

The Puzzling Paradox of the Software Dev Job Market

It feels like a bizarre tech ecosystem where the demand for developers is both insatiable and unattainable.

This Kafkaesque environment is the end result of some problems that have festered within the tech world for years, and it is only now we have reached the inevitable conclusion: insanity.

The Great Pretenders

Let’s cut to the chase: everyone wants the LeBron James of coding and be paid accordingly, even if they’ve simply coded an amateur-level website for a no-hope business

This means that there are developers who will not get out of bed for anything less than a 6-figure salary and who think Dijkstra is a character in Game of the Kings. 

They’re not worth any salary but as coders, they command good money for doing little.

Wanting the impossible

Job listings scream for a ‘Ninja Developer with 20 years of React experience’ (React hasn’t even been around that long, folks!).

Companies need to spend big money to get any developer to work, and so it is perhaps no wonder that the employees are privileged jerks. Unsurprisingly companies are then conservative about employing any staff into their ranks.

Trial by fire

And then there’s the classic, the coding interview. Nobody has ever required binary tree inversion, much less so under pressure with judgemental snobs around.

For modern software developers, the pressure and unfairness of the coding interview becomes a Tuesday.

Some senior developers are unwilling to undergo this intellectual obstacle course and leave the industry (or become freelancers). Fresh out of the gate? Good luck, pal — this rodeo isn’t for greenhorns.

We’re losing the best coders before they start, and this is leading us to a shortage of great quality coders.

No Job? Get Better

If you can’t get a job you’re not tech royalty yet.

All anyone wants at the interview is good answers to the following, with evidence:

  • Can you deliver the goods?

  • How long before you start delivering said goods?

  • Are you someone they can stand being around for eight hours a day?

I do remember when I had insufficient experience to get a job I worked on interview answers and coding skills. I got a really good job out of that, but it didn’t last long because I needed to fake it.

It wasn’t the right approach and I should have put in the hard yards the right way. I couldn’t fool the people that mattered — my colleagues. This is the same for exaggerated resumes and canned interview performances, they’ll get you some of the way there but will not give you a sustainable career.

Truth bomb: if you can’t convince them you’re the real deal within six months, you’re out. Brutal, but that’s the game and we all need to play it.

Getting Better is Hard Work

I’ve got some bad news here. Even if you think you’re the bee's knees but don’t have a steady work record you’ve work to do.

Your first job might not be the best. You might need to work in a poor environment. You have to pay your dues and get better through hard work. No excuses.

How to get better

Real Projects Over Side Projects

While side projects are valuable, they often don’t hold the same weight as real-world experience. If you can’t land a full-time role, consider freelancing or contributing to open-source projects. These experiences are closer to actual work environments and can better showcase your ability to deliver real value.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Stay updated with current technologies and practices. Utilize online courses, but don’t stop there. Apply what you learn in practical scenarios. If a job requires experience you lack, build a project using that technology. Show that you can learn and apply new skills rapidly.

Networking and Mentorship

Connect with professionals in the industry. Platforms like LinkedIn, tech meetups, or even Twitter can be great places to start. Seek mentorship from seasoned developers. Often, jobs come from connections rather than cold applications.

Improve Communication and Collaboration Skills

Technical skills are crucial, but soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are equally important. Work on these by engaging in community projects, or even role-playing interviews and workplace scenarios with friends or mentors.

Revamp Your Resume and Portfolio

Make sure your resume and online profiles highlight your most relevant skills and experiences. Tailor them for each application. Provide a well-organized portfolio of your work. If possible, include case studies or detailed descriptions, showing how your work provided value.

Contribute to Community and Share Knowledge

Engage in tech communities online or locally. Share your learning process, write blogs, and make tutorials. This can demonstrate your passion and commitment to your development and the industry.


No sugarcoating here — there are no cheat codes or backdoors in the world of programming. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to get good. Real good. So, grab your keyboard, saddle up, and start slinging code like there’s no tomorrow.

“Because at the end of the day, it’s the code that talks. Now scoot and show ’em what you’re made of.”


Three Essential Questions Every Developer Should Ask on Their Path to Growth


5 Ways Your IDE is Outsmarting You (and You Don’t Even Know It)