You Don’t Need Coffee. You Need…

Some devs need coffee to get their buzz on in the morning. You might need a cup of Java before you start on Java, and that makes complete sense.

But what if the coffee pod is empty? What if the local Starbucks is closed?

Here are alternatives to your morning brew that pro developers might want to incorporate into their routine, and one you should avoid.

Watch the Sun Rise

Start your morning by watching the sun rise over [enter your city here]. It’s a beautiful view (probably) and will put you in a good mood for a day’s worth of coding.

Not only that, watching the sunrise reduces inflammation and improves mood

Really Great Music

Coding mode is when you get into the zone, and start really making progress. Solve that problem with a set of bad beats that will make you a better programmer.

Get a recording of this little ditty and push that repeat button and you’re away.

A Cold Shower

Photo by Jay Cee on Unsplash

Why not wake up to a cold shower. That means setting your system to 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheight and stepping under the water without fear.

WebMD tells us this will improve our mental health and boost immunity, and why would they lie?


Photo by David Becker on Unsplash

The healthy choice.

Hydrate your body and mind, improving your performance and mood.

The One to Avoid

3 cups of coffee before 9:30 AM

Did you know that the drug in coffee causes damage to your body? Here is what WebMD has to say about the matter: “Caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, nausea, increased heart rate, and other side effects”.

So, think about that when you go to the coffee machine on Monday morning. 


I actually think I need something different from any of the suggestions above. I need a holiday.

Photo by Link Hoang on Unsplash


How to Stop Our Software Development Projects Becoming Untied


The Nvidia Phenomenon That Dethroned Apple