AI Films? Software Devs Watch and Learn

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The Secret Developer has been thinking about creativity. Not just in software development but in the arts (that use our software development work to create their output.

“Specifically artificial technology has the opportunity to revolutionize the film industry. TBH it is already reshaping the industry much as it is for the process of software development.

Let’s see how this is working out for our creative friends over in Hollywood and see if there is anything we can learn as software developers.”

What’s happening

Right now a revolution is happening in film development. You might have read that Avail has developed a ChatGPT-powered tool designed specifically to provide quick summaries, thematic analyses, and even character breakdowns. This not only saves time but also provides insights that might be missed in a traditional review.

“So you might notice that software is just using ChatGPT and isn’t really adding any creativity to the filmmaking process. Sure, it might save some time but not earth-shaking stuff.

Much like in software development though, summarizing and predicting text does have value in the process. Yet more is coming down the pipe in the film industry and in the software development industry. Let us take a look at the former.”

The film expert’s view

Who better to opine on the impact of AI in film than mumbler-in-chief Christopher Nolan? 

“He speaks about the tension between exploitation and freedom to create with the tools. He thinks we will have to see how this shakes out in use before we understand the impact of technology. 

We might suspect he is rather sitting on the fence and is mindful of the impact that AI may have on jobs and opportunities for those working in the film industry.

Sound familiar to any software developers? I guess except for the creativity part.”

The AI expert’s view

Who better to comment on the use of AI in film than someone who twiddled the AI knobs on Everything, Everywhere All at Once? Let’s see what they had to say at UNESCO’s conference in Paris.

“Christóbal Valenzuela (amazingly a real name) is an important guy in AI as he heads up Runaway who worked on the Everything, Everywhere All at Once. He thinks AI will democratize filmmaking. That is we’ll all be able to make films with just a phone.

Making things quicker, easier, and cheaper for those with talent? I thought that was the preserve of software developers. Are we entering a time where side-projects will be open to all and not gated away behind obscure technology? I guess we should all either get behind that or gatekeep and block it.”

The Secret Developer’s View

The Secret Developer thinks that there are links between the use of AI in the film industry and its use in the process of software development.

“As an industry, we need to think about how we want to take advantage of the AI revolution. Do we want to increase productivity even if the change may come at the expense of the number of jobs in the software development industry? 

Do we want to democratize the process of software development and bring down the barriers? This could bring a wave of creativity and excitement not seen since the creation of the mobile app store (but hopefully this time without quite as many money-grabs. We shall see.”

The Future Landscape

As AI technology continues to evolve, its impact on the film industry will likely grow. We can expect AI to play a more active role in content creation, from ideation to distribution. While some fear that AI might replace human creativity, the current trend suggests a collaborative future where AI acts as a tool that amplifies human creativity and efficiency.

“Will this be for the better? In terms of films, I can only hope it will help us see a better new version of Terminator or de-age everyone in Sex in the City. That would be a good application of the technology.

In terms of software, I’d like to see a version of Windows that is worth using. Half-life 3 and Adobe software not on a subscription.

It’s all probably too much to ask for.”


Integration of AI in film development heralds a new era of filmmaking in the same way it will for software development. As technology develops we will hopefully see a synergy between AI and humans that will take us to a great future.

“That future will hopefully see humankind still on this planet. Either that or wiped off the face of the earth while dogs take over the cities. 

I might make that into a film. If only I had AI technology to help…”


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