Discover Your Software Developer Productivity Persona
Photo by ThisisEngineering @thisisengineering on Unsplash
Many software engineers I know are quite simply lazy and do as little work as humanly possible in a role they are paid handsomely to complete. Other developers work extremely hard and get their work done efficiently and a high standard.
I’ve often thought it possible to pigeonhole these developers (lazy and hard-working were my go-to categories), but some academics with access to Microsoft developers have come up with 6 distinct productivity types.
So, which one are you? Read on to find out!
The Software Engineer Types
The Social Developer
If you’re a social developer, you thrive on collaboration. Behaviors include coming in early or staying late to focus and deliver on a task if it benefits the team or your friends within the team.
The Lone Developer
As a lone developer, you avoid disruptions like emails, Slack messages, or code reviews. You are most productive when working without interruptions like Agile ceremonies or chatter in the office.
The Focused Developer
If you’re a focused developer, you feel most productive when working efficiently on a single task. Your company might perceive all developers to be this way, but that’s far from reality. Because this is the personality type many believe programmers to have it might be a constraining trope on those who do not share these characteristics.
The Balanced Developer
Balanced developers are less affected by disruptions compared to focused developers. However, when tasks are unclear or irrelevant, they can become frustrated and (unhelpfully) view themselves as unproductive when that is far from the truth.
The Leading Developer
Leading developers are comfortable with meetings and emails. They might feel less productive when coding and can be frustrated by blocking tasks that prevent them from doing what they consider productive work, despite delivering value in other ways.
The Goal-Oriented Developer
Goal-oriented developers feel productive when they complete tasks or make progress. They might avoid multitasking but are more open to meetings and emails than other types of developers.
But…I’m not Any of the Types
Sure. It is true that you probably aren’t any of the types listed above. That’s because you are likely to be a seventh type, noted here.
The Mix
Although you might have a dominant type from the list above, it will be dependent on the time of day or stage of the sprint you currently inhabit. This is normal, but you’ll likely revert to a primary type most of the time, and this will be your “home” personality type.
Learnings: I’ve Decided Which Developer I am. Now What?
It is best to work in an environment suitable for your productivity type.
Use tools to avoid interruptions if they disturb you and you find it difficult to recover
Choose a company that supports the way you work as a developer. If you work best at home, find a company with a WFH policy
If you lead find a company that will support your endeavours to make an impact outside of solely coding
If you like / dislike multitasking find a company in tune with the way you like to work
My experience
Throughout my work in teams across Europe, Asia, and the USA, I’ve observed that all types of developers have the potential for success, despite occasional mistakes. If there is one thing, I’ve learned from my experiences is that of utmost importance is collaboration and embracing our differences.
I remember once when a developer sent mobile push notifications to all of our live customers (rather than test). I think that they would have benefited from a quieter office as they struggled with concentration and were a classic “lone developer” type.
It’s a pity working from home wasn’t an option for us at that particular company. The mistake might never have happened, and the whole team would have benefited.
Be yourself at work.
If you can get a supportive company for your productivity type who knows what you might achieve?