Software Developers: Here is Who You Will Marry

I understand that you have probably already looked at the rather natty graph displayed as an image for this Medium post.

You’ve seen that software developers often marry…software developer.

It’s not for me to say that is wrong but listen. This isn’t a good thing and shouldn’t be celebrated.

Let’s take a look at why.

Why You’re Going to Marry a Software Developer

It’s not just because the graph at the top of this article says so!

Software developers are most likely to get involved in relationships with the people they see most often. This is likely other software developers.

Yet it’s not just that.

Software developers need to be precise to avoid ambiguity, and communication can be frustrating if the other party isn’t on the same page. If you’re doing the same job, you have plenty to talk about.

If you’re working in a startup that looks like the Silicon Valley frat house, I guess there are plenty of opportunities to hook up, but I wouldn’t recommend getting into bed with anybody at work

QA? You’re Going to Marry a Software Developer

I thought that this data (from the American Community Survey, if you’re interested) would be similar for QAs.

Nope, they go for software developers. I guess they know a good thing when they see it [Joke]!


Software developers falling in love? Sounds like a fantasy to me, but it seems when it happens software developers fall for each other.

Some might say it’s because only a software developer can put up with a software developer?

I couldn’t possibly comment.


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