Endless Endeavors: What The Golden Gate Bridge Teaches Software Developers
Photo by Varun Yadav on Unsplash
Chad Allen has much to say about painting the Golden Gate Bridge. Where large projects are concerned, I think software development can learn much from projects like this.
In this article, The Secret Developer will draw parallels between painting and software development.
“We need all the help we can get as software developers. If we can take inspiration from a Golden Gate Bridge painter I say we should take it.”
Beauty In The Golden Gate
The bridge is under attack. The salt air, UV rays, and the old age of the structure are conspiring to bring down the engineering masterpiece of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Luckily the bridge has a team of painters on its side. They only number a few dozen but with the likes of Chad in their ranks the bridge has a chance against entropy and the elements.
“Here is the thing. They are on a never-ending job to keep the bridge functional. Yet they keep going even though they know that the job is never done.
I know the readership of this blog is intelligent and can already see the point I’m making. We aren’t alone working on a project that never finishes.
What amazes me about Chad and his crew is that they aren’t obsessed with the tools. They aren’t trying to outdo each other. They are amazed by the bridge that they call the office and what they can achieve.
I’ll hand over to Chad to explain.”
“From A to Z, it’s just unbelievable what we’re up against and what we’re actually able to get done”
“It’s an attitude we’d benefit from in software development”
Never-ending software development
I’m sure it’s the same in bridge painting but at the start of your career, nobody will take you aside to tell you that you will never crack it.
“Software developers will solve the same problems over and over. Sure, we use different tools and even different paradigms, but the same stuff keeps coming up.
You need to love this stuff to hack it for the long term. If you want to paint a single bridge for your working life, you better love it. If you want to develop software and keep doing it, you should have a passion for it.”
Not Finishing The Game Doesn’t Mean a Negative Outlook
There is a danger that once a software developer realizes that there is no ‘finished’ software developer they will be discouraged. The idea that you need to continually study and hone your skills truly does discourage some new entrants in the field and this is something The Secret Developer will not put up with when talking with Junior developers on their team.
” When you play Fortnite you’ll never finish it.
Even a victory means you are simply entering a new game and have the same chance to prove yourself.
To say that learning software development is never finished is an opportunity. The barriers to entry can be low and we can all learn something from each other.
I do say that, but I only believe it if we all actually like the basics of the job. If you don’t like coding, I think you should consider another career.
Oh and by the way I hate Fortnite.”
This explains the dedication of The Secret Developer and their distaste for those coding just for the money.
”If you want a job for the money become a lawyer. Seriously. Then let me know so I can avoid you.”
Software development can and should be fun at its core. We should not let the idea of constant learning discourage us from being the best developers we can be.
” I’m not the right person to think positively though. I think some of our developers will never get better.
What do you mean by ‘be generous’ and ‘growth mindset’? I have a code review to complete.”