Here is Why Scrum Grinds Developer’s Gears

Scrum has been around since 1986 and you’d think after this amount of time developers would have adapted and enjoy the use of the framework.

Yet the negative reputation for Scrum still exists in certain parts of the development community.

What makes this framework so controversial among those it aims to support? What can be done to bring developers on board and enjoy their work using Scrum?

Corporate Management

The very idea of self-organizing teams is antithetical to the ideas of corporate management. 

If we are trying to control costs, resources, deadlines, output, and people through management the very last thing we would want is the team to be “self-managing, meaning they internally decide who does what, when, and how” (quote from the Scrum Guide).

Within corporate environments, managers are held responsible for what their people do and are judged by the results of the control they maintain.

Those who suffer most from this dichotomy are generally developers. On one hand, management shouts about deadlines and delivery yet on the other a scrum team claims to be self-managing each demanding work according to their own rules.

Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters

These positions are essentially managerial layers of the system. Initially, teams might need guidance to become self-organizing, but over time Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters come into question.

Inevitably the new managerial layers start to behave in a typical way. They increase headcount and battle to gain perceived organizational status and politik within the organization.

They draw power that should belong to developers and use it for their own benefit rather than genuinely empowering teams

This goes against the idea that teams determine their own needs and then seek help as and when they deem it necessary.

The Sprint to Nowhere

Agile methodologies like Scrum were designed to prevent the burnout and crunch often associated with waterfall methods. You might remember when coders might have been expected to camp in their offices to meet deadlines and Scrum should have made this a thing of the past.

However, in many companies, the end of every sprint feels like a mini-waterfall, with all the associated stress and none of the advertised agility. It’s the same stress and problems but repeated every single Sprint ad infinitum.

Truth: The Agile Transformation

In my experience, unless Agile and Scrum are implemented from day one in a software firm there is pressure brewing. That might mean the pain of an “Agile Transformation” which at my employer means continuing to have 20+ people in the team (that’s happening to me right now) and being forced to stick to “estimations” that I have to give before I’m given the proper information for the ticket.

I’m saying it’s all another version of developer hell.

Fixing the Issue

This is not just about making developers’ lives easier; it’s about enhancing the overall productivity and creativity that are so vital to the success of modern software development. Here’s how it can be done.

Empowerment Over Management

Organizations must genuinely commit to the principle of self-organizing teams. This means reducing unnecessary managerial oversight and trusting teams to manage their workflows and responsibilities effectively.

Realistic Agile Transformations

For companies undergoing an Agile transformation, it’s crucial to tailor the approach to the organization’s unique dynamics and not just adopt a one-size-fits-all model. This includes setting realistic expectations, providing proper training, and ensuring that all team members are on board with the new methodologies.

Continuous Feedback and Adaptation

Scrum should be about continuous improvement, which can only be achieved through regular and constructive feedback loops involving all stakeholders. This includes re-evaluating roles such as Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters to ensure they are truly adding value to the teams rather than merely extending the bureaucratic ladder.

Addressing the Sprint Fatigue

To prevent the “Sprint to Nowhere” syndrome, organizations need to ensure that their sprint goals are achievable without compromising the health and well-being of their teams. This might mean redefining what success looks like in a sprint to focus more on quality and innovation rather than just meeting deadlines.


It’s time organizations move closer to harnessing the true potential of Scrum rather than saying “this will do” and then doing almost nothing to make a Scrum utopia a reality. 

Just imagine creating an environment where developers not only adapt but thrive. A culture of genuine agility and innovation.

Just imagine.


The Scrum Guide.


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