If You Are Scared of AI, Don’t Think About Quantum Computing

Remember when we all got scared about AI and wondered if we were going to lose our jobs

That is nothing. Quantum computing is coming.

What is that about?

Quantum computing is a branch of computing that uses the principles of quantum mechanics. That means quantum computing deals with subatomic particles and effects.

Wait. All modern computers deal with quantum effects.

This is true, but we are talking about quantum computers that use qubits that can exist in the states of both 0 and 1 simultaneously (quantum superposition).

This opens up a new level of cool because quantum entanglement states that particles created together influence each other’s states no matter the distance between them.

The real deal with this is quantum computers can process a vast number of possibilities simultaneously, providing the potential for amazing computational speed in solving certain types of problems.

These problems are related to encryption.

Wait. Encryption makes the Internet work.

Breaking The Internet. Breaking Banks

The key point is that quantum computers have the theoretical potential to break certain forms of encryption (mainly RSA and ECC). This is because they can use their amazing problem-solving potential to run solutions simultaneously

We can make this clear. It is entirely possible that your WhatsApp encryption won’t work, so your Mother can read your messages (or Government, depending on what scares you more*). You won’t be able to transfer your monies on the Internet. That page for the New York Times might be taken over by hackers as the certificates will no longer work.

I’m scared.

Get a Grip

Calm down. Large-scale quantum computers capable of such feats don’t exist yet.

That doesn’t mean we are safe. I’m still panicking.

Don’t worry. Researchers are developing quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms in parallel to those developing heart palpitation-inducing quantum computers.

There’s a whole field of post-quantum cryptography working for a future, where quantum computers can challenge traditional encryption.

That’s better!

Wait. There are uncertainties in any new (or future) technology. It’s a race between new encryption and the techniques to break encryption. Quantum key distribution is coming, but will it come fast enough?

Are you trying to make me feel better, or worse at this point?


Much like AI quantum computing is both a potential threat and a potential opportunity. Quantum computing theoretically has the potential to break certain forms of encryption, just as AI has the potential to kill us all (and take our jobs, in reverse order).

Reality is as ever much more nuanced. There will always be new technologies that have the opportunity to deliver good or evil.

It’s probably better not to lose sleep over these things, though.

*Depending on what you have been doing.


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