Look out 🔍 for These 5 While Searching for Your Next Dev Job

People who run companies should be able to answer a fundamental question.

Why would anyone want to work here?

Some founders reply — we use a specific organizational system.

Which should you look for within an organization?

Let’s take a look through the list, and what it means for you.

The Models

The Star Model

  • Attachment to challenging work

  • Select “stars,” usually from elite sources

  • Professional control

What it means for you

To thrive here you need to be on top of your game. 

Who does it suit

Those who appreciate the monetary reward. Appreciate being given the opportunity to reach your goal and grow.

The Commitment Model

  • Attachment to people or culture

  • Select for cultural fit

  • Cultural/peer control

What it means for you

You’ll be treated as a human being. 

Who does it suit

Those who would like a job that they only need to leave on retirement.

Good for those who like being abused, then

The Engineering Model

  • Attachment to challenging work

  • Select for current competence

  • Peer control

What it means for you

You’ll be given the opportunity to excel in your work and display your competence.

Who does it suit

You need to be turned on by difficult problems and focused on working in a team to solve those problems.

Nerd standard issue

The Bureaucracy Model

  • Attachment to work

  • Select for current competence

  • Control by formal procedures

What it means for you

You’ll always know where you are.

Who does it suit

Those who value process and documentation.

The clipboard and glasses option

The Autocracy Model

  • Attachment to compensation

  • Select for current competence 

  • Direct monitoring

What it means for you

You’ll only be given the power and freedom which your position in the organization requires

Who does it suit

You work, you get paid

Transactional “It’s not my problem” jerks

Employer and Employees

Cultural fit is extremely important. Not just for the employee, but for how the organization actually works. How should people work together? How will communication happen around the organization?

If only employers actually thought about this themselves.

As an employee or potential employee, you do need to think about this and consider which environment will allow you to thrive.

There is one issue: Companies lie.

Or worse, they don’t understand their own culture

This can mean they are unwilling or unable to show their true face either at an interview or through their glossy websites.

Tread carefully, as you won’t know who to trust.


When picking your employer, you should be observant about their culture and consider the type of culture you will fit into.

If you don’t, your misery is your own issue.


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