Keep Your IP Safe. They’re Coming for Our Code Next

The Secret Developer clearly has no idea who Bad Bunny is or anything about their music. However, they do know something about software development and the incoming AI apocalypse that we may all face shortly.

“I might not know much about music but I do know a few things about software development. 

The recent uproar Puerto Rican rapper Bad Bynny over AI’s replication of his unique sound and style underlines a broader question of authenticity and creativity, one that resonates deeply with us coders​​…and this is something we should act upon before it is too late.”

The situation for software devs

Back in November Bad Bunny’s voice got a great deal of traction. However, the viral songs hitting social media didn’t belong to him. The Secret Developer is worried that a similar tune might hit software developers in short order.

“Bad Bunny got frustrated that AI can mimic creativity but lacks the soul and originality of human compositions.

I feel the same as software developers begin to integrate AI into their workflows. What was once an arena reserved for human intellect and imagination, is getting taken over by copy-paste coders trained on Reddit. But enough about junior developers!

Seriously though. AI coding assistants give the impression of quality coding but under the hood, the solutions given may not work or may not be the best for a given context. As companies ask if we need software developers any more software devs are perhaps engaged in a race. This race is against an invisible power that automates a previously human endeavor, much like Bad Bunny’s musak”

The actions software devs should take

Unfortunately, most software developers are not unionized so striking like Hollywood writers is probably out of the question.

“Just as Bad Bunny’s music resonates because of its human touch, a coder’s craft is imbued with individuality and ingenuity that AI can’t replicate (yet). AI might be able to mimic patterns, but the creative spark, the ability to think outside the box, and the personal experiences that we pour into our code remain uniquely ours.

There’s that silver lining and we also have the early warning. We are able to make ourselves vital to the business and essential in translating those business requirements to add value. If you think software developers are around to simply push code then you’re missing the point.

We are around to solve problems and make the software everyone has dreamed of by helping people. It’s about people. Right no you can’t replicate that with AI.”


The Secret Developer thinks essentially that Bad Bunny’s clash with AI isn’t about music at all.

“Sure. This narrative is playing out where AI might or might not make us more productive. It’s our wake-up call to cherish our current positions and make a bridge to the next type of opportunity. As we navigate this AI-augmented era, let’s not forget the irreplaceable value of originality and human touch. That might be all we have come to the AI apocalypse.”


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