Meditate on This 5 Calm Developer Tips

Developers aren’t usually the calmest of people. The judgemental attitude of most software developers can lead to a type of tension that most people should avoid in their daily lives.

“You can say that again. In my current place, we are a bundle of nervous energy most of the time. The agitated state does not help our productivity and we should do better in handling the stress and strain that comes our way.

Imagine in your Agile status meeting you could feel serene rather than a ball of stress.

As a developer, I recommend you follow the tips within this article in order to develop as both a person and a programmer.”

Choose to move

Appreciating your body is important in terms of work and productivity. The number of people who feel unable to work productively due to their physical health is quite frightening. It should be avoided.

“I’d say you can easily make things a little better. Walk to work. Even if you’re jumping off the metro right at the office change your habit and get off the stop before.

I got a standing desk. It helped me in many ways (and not just a ‘standing’ goal on my wearable). 

You’ll soon find yourself dancing through sprint reviews, although I’m pretty sure that this would also work for Kanban teams.”

Work consistently and predictably

Many software developers suffer from ‘student syndrome’ where they struggle to get down to work. The Secret Developer isn’t one of those unfortunate people and has some tips for those who suffer from this affliction. 

“Rather than procrastinating your way to a rush at the end of a sprint, work consistently through the sprint. That is work through the things that need to be done purposefully until the various tasks you need to do are done.

If you’ve given a reasonable estimation of the time your work will take, you should be able to work in such a way, as to keep calm and deliver everything you promise.

If you keep delivering you won’t need to think about how you deliver. You’re going to be confident at delivering and making good progress in your career.”

A routine

There are benefits to working in the same way each and every day. This includes productivity gains as well as well-being improvement for people who continue with their routing.

“Work in the same way every day. This can mean wearing the same clothes every day Zuckerberg-style although I don’t recommend behaving like the Zuck.

I do believe that cutting down the number of decisions you need to make every day can mean that you are more efficient in your life. Not just in the amount of time it takes you to do everyday things, but getting into good habits.

This can mean eating well, on time, and sleeping on time.

Xbox isn’t involved as you should be using your time well and productively on something like PlayStation.”


Practicing mindfulness is something that can help you feel calm throughout your day.

“I’m not someone who even wishes to feel that calm on any particular day. However many people practice mindfulness and feel improvements to their wellbeing and way of life.

I’ve seen people at work have a mindfulness app and stop working every so often to help themselves relax and refocus. It really is something positive to take a break from your work and think carefully about those decisions in front of you.

Mindful? I don’t mind.”

Managing your phone

Managing your phone in 2023 is indistinguishable from managing your life. The Secret Developer thinks it is actually more important than even that.

“Calm people manage their lives. They aren’t bossed around by their mobile phones. That can be calls, messages, music, or news. Don’t let your phone dominate your day and instead work on what is pertinent at any given time.

Wait I don’t think that is quite relevant. Who calls someone in 2022? I think using YouTube all day is not the path to being productive and making things happen. It just isn’t the right way to go.”

REMEMBER to embrace your place in life

If you don’t know something and are a little junior in your career that’s great. 

“At the bottom of the hierarchy at work? This shouldn’t interfere with your contentment at work. You might only have a small place in the universe but guess what. That’s the same for everybody. Be aware of the world as a whole, and make sure that you are making the most of every minute and every day.

Probably by learning Carbon”


Good, consistent, and habitual behaviors are in your grasp. It might not be easy to secure them, but in the beginning, you can make your life better. Think about starting small (and starting now) and improving your life.

“Isn’t that worth doing? Let me tell you it isn’t that hard!”


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