The Software Developer’s Christmas List

Christmas! Yay!

“You’re through the disaster of Black Friday!”

What to buy? What do the best programmers and software developers have on their Amazon wish lists?

Here is a great list of things that you should be buying for the software developer in your life, and one thing that you should never buy for that special code monkey.

Let’s dive in!


A great gift! You’ll need to get wired headphones (not wireless, please) for the hardcore tech coder in your life.

You’ll be helping them to focus on that intense project, and to block out the rest of the world. If you want to help, get a pair with decent noise-cancelling ones.

Don’t think about Apple’s dreadful AirPods Max either

Get something decent and suggest a cool hairstyle. Something like:

A New Laptop

They might have a blazing-fast work machine and are super-happy with it.

“I got a 2019 Macbook Pro, complete with a dent. So, you’re not talking about me.”

However, that software developer needs a personal machine in their life. Do you want them to be a success? Help them out with these two software developer essentials:

  • Side-projects

  • Interview projects (and resume)

Treat the developer to a decent home machine so they don’t risk getting fired from their job by using that tatty work machine. They’ll love you forever.

A Chair

Did you know that a special developer in your life is balancing on their dining room table and using those wooden chairs? They’re in pain every night and aren’t looking after their back.

“You only get one back in your life. It will pay to look after it.”

Don’t think about getting a gaming chair, unless your tame developer is less than 9 years old. Get them a decent office chair and get thanks from not just your friendly developer but their back too.

A Microphone

Looking for something a little more keenly priced than some of the wonderful gifts above? Help your software developer friend to sound professional in meetings with the addition of a wrapped microphone under their tree. You’ll also be encouraging them to create content on YouTube and create podcasts.

It will be much better than the microphone built into their laptop, that’s for sure.

“I don’t speak in meetings and have 0 followers, so don’t need this.”

A Webcam

A nice webcam makes a great gift. A great present for an attractive developer (although this is highly unlikely, granted).

Again, it’s a much better device than those built into existing hardware and looks great under the tree. They can also be cheaper than a Logitech Brio, but still, deliver a nice view of your software developer friend.

“It can also be used for “personal” webchats, so you can speak to them in your relaxed voice!”

One Thing You Should Not Gift To Developers

It’s that one thing that is many. Subscriptions. Don’t get that Apple Music sub (all the cool kids are on Spotify, but that’s another story). Don’t pay for 12 months as a special gift.

Don’t buy any subscriptions

Why? Because rolling subscriptions cost. You’re committing your developer friend to a rolling cost, that they may not have instigated themselves.

You’re forcing them to spend more money than they otherwise should.

“That’s not a great gift!”


“I wrote this whole article to discourage you from buying that special developer, a mechanical keyboard with RGB lighting.

Article == Unsuccessful”


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