Musk’s Missteps Paved the Way for Meta’s Threads

I feel like I’m getting too old for Musk vs. Zuckerberg discussion. Jaded.

Gates vs. Jobs felt fun. This feels lame

The latest twist in the story proves that tech billionaires should be replaced with serious people at the helm of their respective companies. Especially Musk.

Let’s look at the evidence.

Musk at the Helm of Twitter

Musk comes across as someone called Richard and fits the type.

He took over Twitter, paying too much for the privilege. So, he did what anyone would do in this situation. He stopped everyone from working from home and laid off most of the essential staff.

Amazingly, Twitter didn’t stop working #RIPTwitter looked like a waste of aggression and bile on the self-same platform that would be better spent against drama kings.

Twitter kept rolling forwards even when Musk decided to charge for verification, removing the status of celebrities and making the platform a whole lot less safe for users.

Nothing could stop Musk

Musk the Cage Fighter. A Step Too Far

Musk just isn’t Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr. works out for a start), and Zuckerberg being a nerd who actually looks after himself wrote “Send Me Location” on Instagram.

All great fun right? Only grumpy lonely saddos would complain about this level of tomfoolery.

No. No, it isn’t fun. These should be professional people

A Step Too Far Beyond A Step Too Far

Limiting the number of Tweets a user can see would be an unprecedented move. Musk announced limits to how many tweets users can consume in a day.

Which isn’t because he broke the platform. Right?

Twitter’s deader than Facebook at this point 

A Step Too Far Beyond A Step Too Far Beyond A Step Too Far

Just because Twitter is a stumbling zombie wreck of a platform. In Swipes a vengeful Zuckerberg to launch…Threads. Which is Twitter by another name.

Imagine Musk’s response. You don’t have to, as it’s here:

I think we can all let out a collective sigh at this.


Is Google Spaces still a thing? We could all go there and set up a group and chat about computers and it would be cool.

See you there


Stop🛑 Those Petty Software Developer Debates


The Best Software Developers Never Say These 5 Things