Stop🛑 Those Petty Software Developer Debates

Software developers oftentimes have a good eye for detail. Commentators outside the industry might be more cruel in their language and might term developers small-minded or obsessed with irrelevant detail and pedantry.

Not me. Only the code matters

However, there are some arguments that don’t need to be “won”. Some battles should not be fought.

Today I’m going to cover the two most important debates in computer science. The sort of discussions that go on in software development houses up and down the land, and can be stopped with the practical advice in this article. If you want to skip the “fun” debates and get to the advice, just scroll down a little with your finger.

I’m all for skipping if it leaves more coding time

Key Debate number 1: The Dvorak keyboard

Dvorak keyboards should not be used in any professional context. Anyone who takes a “special” keyboard to work should be fired on the spot.

Harsh but fair

Lesson: Some people shouldn’t be allowed near your project. There are a few signals for this, but the Dvorak keyboard is the primary one. 

Key Debate number 2: Tabs vs. Spaces

Tabs vs. spaces is a debate that has gone on for eons. Some developers insist on using the tab key, and others incorrectly hammer the space key as an inelegant solution. TBH, it’s boring as the debate has already been settled by The Secret Developer.

It’s even been settled by the market. Take a look at this graph:

It’s done. Finished.

The argument developers have about which is the “correct” approach is boring, obnoxious, and toxic to team spirit.

Lesson: The argument for some technical arguments have already been settled. Others are not worth thinking about. Tabs vs. spaces discussions are annoying, boring, and a waste of time.

The Secret Developer Argument Toolkit

So how can YOU avoid being the sort of developer who becomes embroiled in pointless arguments and make your voice heard in the world of software development?

Understand the debate

Like many questions in computer science both sides of the argument have merits. You are able to go around in circles forever about which is the best approach.

Yet the debate has a limited impact on code quality, functionality, or performance.

So, what are the divers for the debate?

  • Pride

  • Arrogance

  • Setting up distractions in order to avoid work

That’s not a complete list of why your colleague keeps going on about Tabs (or spaces). But you get the idea.

Tabs for the win!

Rise above the argument

Use linters to embrace consistency

Even if your colleagues “know better” than the style guide for your development language, use a linter on your CD/CI.

Let them do as they like on their machine, and know the code base is safe from any type of insane argument where there are “good people on both sides”.

As long as it lints to Tabs, that is

Prioritize discussion topics

Rather than having a day/week/year/lifetime debate about indentation, work on the crucial aspects of software development.

What they might be?

  • Communication

  • Architecture

  • Code quality

  • Design patterns

and, don’t forget. THE PRODUCT

Didn’t you just forget the customer?

Show a little respect

If you don’t respect others, they will not respect you. Every developer can have their own style and preferences. Foster a collaborative and inclusive environment that focuses on learning and growth rather than petty technical arguments.

Respect the tab


There’s more to life than the tabs vs. spaces war. In these discussions, there are no right answers and it quickly becomes a war of pedantry.

Remember there are no good wars.

Strong disagree. Evidence:

- The American Revolution

- World War II

- The Star Wars Trilogy

++ Dvorak keyboards are a signal. Always remember the Dvorak keyboards.


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