The Programming Skill to Learn Now

I’ve noticed something about poor programmers.

They lack the same skill, but it’s a basic skill that is also missing in many more senior coders. You’ll even find Tech leads and successful individual contributors lacking this particular skill. I find it unbelievable that those working in technology can lack this most basic skill when interfacing with computers.

My experience

I’ve seen coders enter the industry without the necessary skills and experience that are required in order to succeed. One particular senior developer springs to mind. Let’s call this particular developer Oliver. They think they’re incredibly able they took a Math University course at a well-respected university.

They never mention they dropped out to be unemployed

They simply weren't the most effective developer. They lacked several skills, but only one of the skills they lacked really sunk my respect for them.

Missing skill 1: Programming skills

They followed a video series on YouTube. They took the work of two basement dwellers as their bible, believing everything they said. This led to a feeling of superiority, saying that modernizing the codebase according to those two programmers' standards was simply the way to go.

The sane analysis

These can be bought in at any time on a consultancy basis. Too expensive at your workplace? We can get a new university graduate to learn any particular skill, or cheap out with a code school grad.

Missing skill 2: Teamwork skills

Teamwork is essential, no doubt. You can easily improve these skills by simply improving your code review. In this case, the developer felt that their code was the best yet did not review others’ code. This developer? Claimed to be the best coder in the room whilst not sharing their skills with the rest of the team.

The sane analysis

Teamwork skills are vital and are getting to be more critical in the tech game. Yet some coders work on their own, and get by just fine.


The skills listed above are important. However, they aren’t as vital as this particular skill.

So what gives?

One thing really matters

There is one skill that combines code quality, focus, efficiency, reduced errors, and professionalism. It gives you all of those qualities if you learn just a single skill. 

Sounds too good to be true

I know right?

It isn’t. It’s one thing that all developers should work on and think about how to improve.

That thing? That core skill?


I’m serious. Read on.

Why a programmer should be able to type

I’ve seen developer after developer attempt to impress by knowing the shortcuts in their favorite IDE. They should be trying to impress by showing off a skill they should be practicing each and every day during their work.

Here is why

Increased productivity

Faster typing speeds allow programmers to write and edit code more quickly, boosting overall efficiency.

Enhanced focus

Efficient typing helps programmers maintain their concentration on coding tasks rather than on the mechanics of typing.

A reduction in errors 

Accurate typing minimizes typos and syntax errors, saving time in debugging and correcting code.

Improved Time management

Faster typing allows programmers to accomplish more in less time, enabling better time management and project completion.

Higher quality code

With efficient typing, programmers are more likely to produce clean, well-organized code that is easier to maintain and update. They can focus on the details of their code, leaving the human-computer interface as a higher-order abstraction


The ability to type quickly and accurately reflects a certain level of professionalism and competence in the field of programming.

The Twist

This story is from a few years ago. The twist?

This particular developer was actually my boss

Sure, they were not the ablest developer. Their code wasn’t the best. Yet by being unable to type they marked themselves out to be much more of a junior than one might think.

Of course, I think that the reason they can’t type is the same reason that they did not complete that math degree. They couldn’t be bothered and lacked the intellectual curiosity to get that work done.


I didn’t like my boss. But I guess you knew that already, right?


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