Computing’s Heisenberg Moment Just Happened💥

The Uncertainty Principle says that one can know either the position of a particle or its velocity but not both which led to modern atomic theory. Which led to the atomic bomb.

Which has led us closer than ever to destruction.

Has computing just had its Heisenberg Moment?

It’s not all about AI

People seem rather overexcited about the prospect of AI coming and eating all of our lunches

If that doesn't give you the mental image of R2D2 chowing down on some ramen, I’m not sure what will

The truth is current AI (ChatGPT etc.) are simply text-generating machines. They aren’t all that, although the results so far have been impressive, I wouldn’t quit your job to become a spot welder just yet.

Instead, let us look at a variety of other topics that might make a great Black Mirror episode in which either we all die or become miserable or starve or whatever.

These are the 4 technologies that will quickly become as hot as AI.

The 4 “other” technologies that will kill us all

Quantum Computing

Quantum computers use the principles of quantum mechanics to process information in ways that traditional computers cannot, potentially solving complex problems much more efficiently.

Possible impact: Modern encryption algorithms will be broken. That is, they will not be safe from hackers in their current form.

Consequences: The Internet will break (no distance transactions will be secure). You’ll need to walk into a bank branch to access your money.


Advances in robotics, particularly in the areas of automation and machine learning, could lead to robots capable of performing complex tasks independently, potentially revolutionizing industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and more.

Possible impact: Soldiers will be replaced by machines, which resemble…

Consequences: Terminators


The development of computers and other technologies at the nanoscale could lead to breakthroughs in a variety of fields, from medicine to materials science.

Possible impact: Little robots will run things. You won’t see them, but they’ll do stuff like fix your body and cure cancer.

Consequences: Little robots will pull apart your body each molecule at a time. 


The use of computers to analyze and interpret biological data has already led to breakthroughs in fields like genomics and proteomics. Further advances could revolutionize our understanding of biology and medicine.

Possible impact: Cure for cancer

Consequences: Weaponize quick-spreading diseases. Covid-like, but much more deadly.

So, which is the Heisenberg Moment?

It’s a tough competition. Which of these technologies is going to change us all and produce misery and suffering?

I know it’s awkward, but I think it’s none of these.
It will be “real AI”

As to what that means, I guess we will need another article to explore this. Happy future reading (if we aren’t all dead)


Try not to worry about it and go back to coding in your feature branch. Conflicts are probably more of a concern to you, so fix those first


The Programming Skill to Learn Now


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